RSL Australia, Working for you

RSL Australia works tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure great outcomes for all veterans, serving members and their families. To keep our membership and the general community updated on our activities we summarise what we’ve been working on each month.

January 2025

RSL National President Greg Melick presents the RSL Jubilee Sword to Lieutenant Nicholas Newton - 14 January 2025.

National Advocacy

  • The RSL has provided a Pre-Budget Submission to the Treasury advocating for funding for the continued implementation of the recommendations of the Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide, as well as resources to ensure a balanced Australian Defence Force (ADF).

  • RSL Australia welcomes Keely Dreghorn, Policy Officer, to the National Office team.

Defence and National Security


  • RSL Australia and RSL State Branches awarded Australia Day Achievement Medallions to acknowledge the exceptional work members of the RSL community are doing. Read more.

  • RSL Australia awarded the RSL Jubilee Sword - HMAS Watson to Lieutenant Nicholas Newton, DUX of the Maritime Warfare Officer's Course 2024.

December 2024

The RSL National Office team is grateful for the support of our community through 2024 and wishes you all a wonderful Christmas and a prosperous new year.


National Advocacy

  • RSL Australia welcomed the Government’s positive response to the findings of the Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide. Read the media release.

  • RSL National President Greg Melick attended the Ex-Service Organisations Round Table (ESORT) on the 3rd of December. Read more.

RSL Active

  • In 2024, the RSL Active Strava members recorded over 32,000 activities and covered a distance of over 605,000km! An incredible effort by all.



  • The RSL National Office hosted a Japanese delegation from the Sasakawa Peace Foundation visiting Australia.

  • ADFA Graduation:  The RSL Sword for Service Award was presented for Outstanding Achievement in Leadership and Officer Development by a Third Class Officer Cadet/Midshipman of the Australian Defence Force Academy.

November 2024

The RSL Remembrance Ride, supported by RSL Active, completed a six-day ride on the Lachlan Valley Cycle Trail.



  • On 11 November, the RSL led the country in commemorating Remembrance Day. Australians were urged to Remember to Remember by observing a minute’s silence at 11 a.m., attend a service, wear a poppy or donate to the Poppy Appeal in memory of our fallen service men and women.

  • RSL National President Greg Melick recited The Ode at the National Remembrance Day ceremony hosted at the Australian War Memorial. 

  • RSL Australia offered its support to the 'RememBEARance’ campaign led by Defence Families of Australia and Legacy. It encouraged people to pay tribute to the service and sacrifices made by defence and veteran families by laying a bear or soft toy with the wreaths at a Remembrance Day service.  

RSL Launches New Research Project - MEAO Scoping Study

  • RSL Australia launched a major initiative to research the impacts on veterans and their families as a result of Australian Defence Force (ADF) service since 2002. The Middle East Area of Operations (MEAO) Scoping Study aims to identify and better understand the needs and concerns of contemporary veterans and their families with the aim to ensure that they are provided with the support and services they deserve.

RSL Active

  • Sixteen cyclists completed RSL Remembrance Ride 2024, riding over 430kms around the Lachlan Valley Cycle Trail on gravel or back roads. The riders attended the Remembrance Day service at Grenfell and spent time with community members at Eugowra on the second anniversary of the town being devastated by floods in 2022.

  • The RSL Active team, made up of veterans from Victoria and South Australia, won the AFL Open Wheelchair Division 2 Premiership final in Brisbane.

  • The Port to Port and Fort to Fort commemorative walks took place in South Australia to raise awareness of the significance of Remembrance Day.

Defence and National Security

  • The RSL Defence and National Security Committee published a paper on the impact of the United States budget deficit on US defence production and the consequential impact on Australia. Read paper.


  • RSL National Office hosted a special event to thank Jan for her 30 years of service to the RSL and wish her well for retirement.

October 2024

The inaugural 2024 Veteran's Boxing Challenge, supported by RSL Active, was an excellent event, bringing the veteran community together to raise funds for Special Forces veterans.



  • The RSL Australia AGM took place on 10 October. RSL Australia released the 2023 National Annual Report detailing our achievements and growth throughout 2023.

  • RSL National President Greg Melick spoke at the annual Royal New Zealand RSA conference in Wellington, New Zealand.

  • RSL National President Greg Melick spoke at the annual RSL NSW Congress in Newcastle, NSW.

  • RSL National President Greg Melick attended the Prime Minister’s Reception of RSL Australia's patron, His Majesty King Charles III and Her Majesty Queen Camilla, when they visited Canberra.

  • The RSL National Office hosted a visit from the Rabdan Academy from the United Arab Emirates.

  • Ian Smith, RSL National, attended the funeral of respected Vietnam Veteran John Bryant on behalf of RSL Australia.


  • “Government must move fast on key recommendations in Defence Royal Commission”, written by RSL National President Greg Melick, was published with News Limited. Read article.


Programs and Initiatives

  • RSL Active sponsored the 2024 Veteran's Boxing Challenge on Saturday, 26 October, in partnership with the ACT Branch of the Australian Commando Association Australia. It was a sell-out event and an exciting tournament with much-needed funds raised for the ACT Branch of the Australian Commando Association to support its work with Special Forces veterans and their families.

  • The successful 2025 Japan-Australia Grassroots Exchange Program applicants have been announced as Mr Arthur Pegg (RSL Tasmania) and Mr Harry Maxwell Tysoe (RSL WA). They will be accompanied by Dr Robert Webster, State President of RSL Victoria, on a reconciliation tour to Japan in early 2025.

September 2024

RSL National President Greg Melick lays a wreath at the commemorative service to mark the 25th anniversary of Australian service in Timor-Leste on 20 September.



  • The 25th anniversary of Australian service in Timor-Leste was commemorated at a moving service at the Australian Peacekeeping Memorial. The RSL National President, RSL National CEO and members of staff from the RSL National Office (some of whom served in Timor-Leste) were in attendance.

  • RSL National CEO Phil Winter attended the National Servicemen's Association commemorative ceremony at the Australian War Memorial in recognition of the service and sacrifice of the thousands of Australian National Servicemen who served between 1951-1959 and 1965-1972.

  • RSL National President Greg Melick attended the Battle of Britain commemoration in Hobart.

  • RSL National Commemorations Officer Ian Smith attended the commemorative service for the Battle of Britain at the Australian War Memorial on behalf of the National President.

  • RSL National CEO Phil Winter attended the launch of National Legacy Week at the Australian War Memorial on behalf of the National President.

  • RSL Australia staff attended a ceremony to commemorate the 79th anniversary of Vietnam’s National Day at the Vietnamese Embassy along with two Australian Vietnam Veterans, John Bryant and Major General Peter Raymond Phillips AO MC (Rtd).

Royal Commission / Advocacy

  • The Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide tabled its final report, signifying the end of the inquiry. RSL Australia thanked the Commissioners and called for immediate action.

  • RSL National President Greg Melick has written to Prime Minister Anthony Albanese advising that as the nation’s largest ex-service organisation, the RSL stands ready to leverage its considerable skills, expertise and lived experience to help the Government develop and deliver a comprehensive response to the Royal Commission’s final report. Read more.

  • The RSL has highlighted seven recommendations that we would like to see implemented quickly, as they will have a significant positive impact on current and former serving members and their families. Read more.

  • RSL National President Greg Melick has advocated that medals awarded to Australian officers serving in the Afghanistan campaign should not be revoked until investigations are complete. Read more.

Initiatives and Programs

  • Volunteers from RSL and Defence worked together to pack 400 care packages that will be sent to ADF personnel deployed overseas in time for Christmas as part of RSL’s AFOF initiative.

  • RSL Active supported the Veteran Drone Racing Team to compete at the Australian Drone Nationals in Townsville.

  • RSL Active is sponsoring the Veterans Challenge boxing tournament. It will be held at the Hellenic Club ACT on Saturday, 26 October, in partnership with the ACT Branch of the Australian Commando Association Australia.

  • RSL Active opened a pop-up shop so that supporters could purchase high-performance RSL Active apparel for cycling, running, walking, training and swimming.

  • Wheels on Waves is underway and has hosted Australian veterans and RSL members onboard to sail on the purpose-built, fully accessible catamaran.

  • RSL Active announced that the Long Ride Australia will return in 2025. RSL Active will once again be a key sponsor for this event.


RSL National President Greg Melick addresses the Defence Reserves Association Conference.



  • RSL Australia National President Greg Melick attended the 80th anniversary of the Cowra Breakout and the Official Mayoral Dinner.

  • RSL National Board members attended a reception for the Cowra Breakout 80th anniversary at the Japanese Embassy on 5 August.



  • RSL National President Greg Melick appeared as a witness at the public hearing of the Senate inquiry into Veterans’ Entitlements. Treatment and Support (Simplification and Harmonisation) Bill 2024.

  • RSL National President Greg Melick, RSL National CEO Phil Winter, and RSL Australia Ambassador Pete Rudland attended the Ceremonial Closing of the Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide.

  • RSL Australia was represented at the Ex-Service Organisations Round Table (ESORT) meeting on Tuesday, 27 August 2024.

Initiatives and Programs

  • RSL Active is working alongside Wheels on Waves to give veterans the opportunity to sail onboard the purpose-built, fully accessible Lo Spirito di Stella when she visits three Australian ports (Brisbane, Cairns and Darwin) as part of the WOW 2023-2025 round-the-world tour.

  • RSL Australia has encouraged sub-branches to apply for a Veterans Health Week grant and plan an event to connect the community.

  • RSL Active made participating in the City2Surf event from anywhere possible with a ‘virtual City2Surf’ competition on Strava.

June 2024

Jim Grebert laid a wreath on behalf of RSL Australia in memory of departed Allied comrades at the 80th anniversary of D-Day commemorations in Normandy on 6 June.



  • RSL National President Greg Melick attended the Bomber Command Commemorative Wreath laying Ceremony on 2 June at the Australian War Memorial.

  • The Returned & Services League of Australia encouraged Australians to remember the 80th anniversary of D-Day on Thursday, 6 June.

  • Jim Grebert, a WWII veteran and Sandgate RSL Sub Branch member, attended the 80th anniversary of D-Day commemoration in Normandy. Jim raised the Australian flag and laid a wreath on behalf of RSL Australia in memory of departed Allied comrades.


  • RSL Australia congratulated the branches across the League that successfully secured a Saluting Their Service grant to fund important commemorative initiatives.

  • RSL released a media alert condemning the desecration of the Australian War Memorial in Canberra.

  • RSL welcomed the Australian Government’s Veterans’ Acute Housing Program.

  • RSL National President Greg Melick visited Timor-Leste to meet with the nation’s President, Prime Minister and Minister for Veterans’ Affairs. He also met with the Australian Ambassador and leaders of veteran groups to share insights from the Australian veteran environment and look to develop support for veterans in the region.

  • RSL released another media alert expressing anger and condemnation at the desecration of the Korean and Vietnam War Memorials in Canberra.

  • RSL National President Greg Melick spoke to Seven News and the ABC condemning the desecration of the Korean and Vietnam War Memorials in Canberra.

  • RSL National President Greg Melick updated subscribers on the news from the second quarter in the President’s Newsletter and announced a move to monthly newsletters.

  • RSL Australia attended the Veterans Indemnity and Training Association (VITA) General Meeting.

Advocacy / Royal Commission

  • The RSL supported the Royal Commission’s release of the book: ‘Shining a Light: Stories of Trauma & Tragedy, Hope & Healing’ with social media posts and a media release thanking the people who contributed.

  • RSL Australia was represented at an ESORT meeting (out-of-session) with Nous Consulting to inform the development of future options for a potential ESO Peak Body.

Initiatives and Programs

JuLY 2024

RSL Australia National CEO Phil Winter speaking at the RSL WA State Congress on 6 July.



  • RSL Australia National CEO Phil Winter attended the Papua New Guinea Remembrance Day service at St Paul's Chapel RMC Duntroon.

  • RSL Australia National CEO Phil Winter travelled to WA for the RSL WA State Congress on 6 July and to Melbourne for the RSL VIC State Congress on 27 July.

  • RSL National President Greg Melick visited the Royal Commonwealth Ex-Services League in London in late July.



Initiatives and Programs

May 2024

RSL Australia proudly supported The Long Ride 2024.



  • RSL Australia announced that His Majesty King Charles III had accepted the patronage of the Returned & Services League of Australia.

  • RSL SA held their annual conference on 17 May. RSL National CEO Phil Winter was in attendance.

  • The RSL National Board met in Melbourne at Anzac House on 30 May.

  • On 25 May, Ambassador Duncan visited Crete to attend the Battle of Crete commemorations at the Hellenic Australian Memorial in Rethymno and to present the RSL scholarships to two deserving Cretan students to undertake tertiary studies and a donation in honour of Preveli Monastery on behalf of RSL Australia.


  • RSL was represented at the ESORT Advocacy Governance Working Group, which was held on 03 May, to support the determination of what an independent governance body could look like for Claims advocacy in Australia.

  • National President Greg Melick represented the RSL at ESORT ahead of the Federal Budget on 14 May.

  • RSL welcomed the increased measures in the 2024-25 Federal Budget for veterans. Read more.

  • RSL National CEO Phil Winter represented the RSL at the Veterans’ Review Board Biannual Conference in Sydney on 23 May.

  • The RSL Defence and National Security Committee released a detailed paper entitled Adapting to Poly-Crisis: A Proposed Australian National Security Strategy.

Initiatives and Programs

APRIL 2024

The students above were awarded the Gapyeong Commemorative Scholarships, which serve as a practical and enduring memorial to those Australians who lost their lives in the Korean War. 


Representation / Advocacy

  • RSL Australia sought feedback across the RSL membership and lodged a detailed submission in response to the Government’s release of the draft Veterans’ Entitlements, Treatment and Support (Simplification and Harmonisation) Bill 2024.

  • The RSL prepared a summary of the Royal Commission Sydney Hearing Block, including the key themes examined and the actions taken by the League in response.

  • The RSL National President updated subscribers on the news from the first quarter in the President’s Newsletter

Anzac Day Commemorations 


  • On Wednesday, 24th April 2024 a special ceremony was held at the Australian Memorial in Gapyeong, South Korea in which students from Gapyeong High School and Gapyeong Middle School received scholarship grants from RSL’s Jubilee Commemorative Fund. The scholarships serve as a practical and enduring memorial to honour Australians who fought and lost their lives in the Korean War (1950 – 1953).

  • RSL Active held special club challenges in the RSL Active Strava Clubs, including virtually competing in Run Army, cycling the 9 Oceania Road Race Time Trials, participating virtually in the Australian Swimming Championships and rowing 2504m a day to commemorate Anzac Day.

March 2024

RSL National President Greg Melick and RSL NSW President, Mick Bainbridge, are at the first day of the 12th and final Hearing Block of the Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide in Sydney.

Royal Commission

National President Greg Melick, State Presidents across the league and RSL Australia’s Ambassador Pete Rudland, were in attendance at the final hearing block of the Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide in Sydney. RSL Australia issued a statement commending those who presented for their input and contributions and thanked those who contributed to the RSL’s submissions.

Representation / Advocacy

  • The RSL lodged a submission calling for changes to the Government’s proposed new Aged Care Legislation to improve outcomes for veterans, widow(er)s and their families.

  • The RSL continued its call on the Australian Government to review the DVA fee schedule for veteran healthcare and to significantly increase payments.

  • The RSL National Veterans’ Affairs Committee (NVAC) met on 13th March and discussed the Legislative Reform, Claims Advocacy, Aged Care Submissions and the Royal Commission.

  • The RSL is seeking feedback from members on the veterans’ legislation reform exposure draft. The RSL will put forward a nationally agreed submission ahead of the consultation period closing on 28 April.

  • The RSL wrote a letter in support of the submission made by the Defence Welfare Association (DFWA) to the Community Affairs Legislation Committee’s inquiry into the provisions of the Social Services and Other Legislation Amendment (Military Invalidity Payment Mean Testing) Bill 2024.

Japan - Australia Grassroots Program

  • RSL Australia Deputy National President Duncan Anderson visited Japan as part of the Grassroots Exchange Program organised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan. Two descendants of former POWs, Ms Joy Derham (RSL Victoria) and Mr Trent Beilken (RSL Queensland), also attended. The program aims to promote post-war reconciliation. Over the week, the group visited the Yokohama Commonwealth War Cemetery, the Australian Embassy, the Peace Memorial Park and the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum.

RSL Anzac Biscuits Commemorative Tins

  • The RSL Anzac biscuits in limited edition commemorative tins hit the shelves in Aldi, Coles, Australia Post and Independent Stores. Learn more.

Media Releases

Other News

  • RSL Australia partnered with Safewill to allow RSL supporters to create a personalised Will. Between 18-31 March, this service was offered for free. Outside of this period it costs $80. Learn more.

  • On the 7th and 8th of March, RSL staff and volunteers packed over 300 care packages to send to our troops depolyed overseas to show them how much we appreciate their work.

  • The RAAF invited RSL Australia to submit a name for one of the pups born to Military Working Dog ‘Roma’ at RAAF Security and Fire School (RAAFSFS). After running a poll on our social media channels, the name Yoda was voted most popular and has been submitted for consideration.

  • RSL Australia staff attended the prizegiving for the winners of The Simpson Prize, a national easy competition for Year 9 and 10 students that focuses on the service of Australians in World War I.

February 2024

RSL National CEO Phil Winter places a wreath by the Pool of Reflection at the AWM on behalf of the League during the Parliamentary Last Post Ceremony - 5 February.

Representation / Advocacy

  • The RSL released the policy priorities the RSL will be focusing on in 2024. Read more.

  • The RSL National Veterans’ Affairs Committee (NVAC) met to discuss key policy issues in the veterans’ affairs space. The top three items discussed were the Royal Commission, how RSL can better inform and engage members about what is being discussed through advocacy forums, and the Pre-Budget Submission. Read more

  • The RSL Defence and National Security Committee met. Key issues discussed were the recruitment and retention of ADF personnel, the upcoming surface fleet review, and how to engage members in defence and national security concerns.

  • RSL Australia called for the establishment of a robust participant consent mechanism to be included in any new program following the cessation of the Veterans’ MATES medical research program.  Read the media release.

  • The RSL welcomed the Government's announcement of 20 February to more than double the Navy’s combat fleet following the release of the Surface Fleet Review but remains concerned that the level of overall Defence spending is not sufficient to meet the emerging needs of the ADF. Read the media release.

  • RSL Australia attended ESORT (Ex-Service Organisation Round Table meeting) and published the summary provided by DVA.

RSL Active

  • RSL Active launched two new Strava Clubs - Swimming and Rowing! RSL Strava Clubs are open to veterans and their families from all across Australia, so no matter where you are based, you can connect with a like-minded community, share goals and participate in friendly challenges - all while keeping fit! Learn more

  • The inaugural RSL Active Coin for Noticeable Achievement was awarded to Richie of RSL Victoria.


  • Representatives from all RSL State and Territory Branches and RSL Australia attended the Parliamentary Last Post Ceremony at the Australian War Memorial (AWM). RSL National CEO Phil Winter placed a wreath by the Pool of Reflection on behalf of the League.

  • RSL National CEO Phil Winter attended the dedication ceremony of ‘For Every Drop Shed in Anguish’, a new sculpture that acknowledges those who have experienced and witnessed the trauma that can result from service, at the Australian War Memorial.

January 2024


  • The RSL requested the Federal Government use the 2024-25 Budget to strengthen the health and wellbeing of veterans and their families by improving access to healthcare for veterans and their families, implementing the recommendations of the Royal Commission, including establishing a National Commissioner for Defence and Veteran Wellbeing and a Peak Body for ESOs, and continuing to permanently reduce the DVA claims backlog, including support for advocates and advocacy. Read the submission.

  • RSL Australia provided feedback on the effectiveness of the DVA administration of the pilot Wellbeing and Support Program (WASP). WASP was designed to help veterans who had been identified as having very complex, acute and multiple needs adjust to life after service and establish lasting connections with local health and support services. The RSL made a series of recommendations for the Australian National Audit Office to consider. Read the Submission.

  • RSL Australia approached DVA on behalf of the ESO sector, following the National Forum for ESOs to seek funding for a business case to support a Peak Body, and we understand DVA are reviewing this with a response expected soon.

Australia Day Achievement Medallions

RSL Australia and RSL State Branches awarded 40 recipients an Australia Day Achievement Medallion to say thank you for the exceptional work they do within the RSL community. It is always a pleasure to have the opportunity to thank the people who make a significant contribution to The League.

Media Releases / Statements:  


ADFA Graduation - RSL Sword for Service presented by RSL Australia CEO Phil Winter.

RMC Duntroon Graduation - The RSL Australia prize presented by RSL National President Greg Meilck and Phil Winter.

Royal Commission:

Military Graduations and Presentations: Every year in December, colleges and training faculties for the Australia Defence Force host their graduation ceremonies to celebrate those who have completed and excelled in their respective training programs. RSL Australia supports a range of awards and gifts a valuable Sword of Honour to those who have excelled in their field.   

  • 14 Dec - ADFA Graduation:  The RSL Sword for Service Award was presented to Officer Cadet Steven Meng for Outstanding Achievement in Leadership and Officer Development by a Third Class Officer Cadet/Midshipman of the Australian Defence Force Academy presented by Phil Winter, CEO RSL Australia. 

  • 12 Dec - Royal Military College Duntroon:  RSL awarded the ‘The Returned Services League of Australia Prize’ for Outstanding Achievement by a Second Class Cadet to Staff Cadet Samuel McAneney.

Media Releases / Statements:  

President’s Newsletter: In December, the RSL Australia National President Greg Melick released an end of year Newsletter detailing significant events, accomplishments and projects undertaken in 2022. You can read December’s edition here or visit this page to subscribe to our mailing list

RSL Defence and National Security Committee: The RSL Defence and National Security Committee chaired by Peter Leahy, held their first meeting following the submission to the 2024 Independent Intelligence Review. The committee are actively monitoring Australia’s position to ensure a stronger defence force now and in the future.

Grassroots Program: Three candidates have been chosen by the Government of Japan for the 2024 Japan – Australia Grassroots Exchange Program. Representing RSL Australia is Mr Duncan Anderson, the President of RSLWA and currently the Deputy National President of RSL Australia. He will be accompanied by Ms Joy Derham the daughter of Lance Corporal John ‘Jack’ Lonsdale, who was a Prisoner of War (POW) from 1942 – 1945 working on the Death Railway, and by Mr Trent Beilken whose grandfather, Private Robert Rolls, became a POW 6 weeks shy of his 16th birthday in 1942. This program provides the descendants of POWs an avenue for healing and understanding. The visit will enable participants to meet with the Japanese people, experience the culture and the bonds now developed between Australia and Japan.

NovemBER 2023

RSL National President Greg Melick lays a wreath at the National Remembrance Day Service at the Australian War Memorial




  • On 11 November the RSL led the country in commemorating Remembrance Day. Australians were urged to Remember to Remember by observing a minute’s silence at 11 a.m., attend a service, wear a poppy or donate to the Poppy Appeal in memory of our fallen service men and women.

  • RSL National President Greg Melick attended the National Remembrance Day ceremony hosted at the Australian War Memorial. 

  • RSL National CEO Phil Winter attended the Remembrance Day service in Bungarby at the memorial hall along with Geoff Stokes and the RSL Remembrance Ride team.

  • RSL Australia offered its support to the 'RememBEARance’ campaign led by Defence Families of Australia and Legacy which encouraged people to pay tribute to the service and sacrifices made by defence and veteran families by laying a bear during a Remembrance Day service.  

  • RSL National CEO Phil Winter attended the Ceremonial Dedication of the Keith Payne VC AM Rest Area at Pheasants Nest on the Remembrance Driveway. The dedication was followed by a re-dedication of the Edward (Ted) Kenna VC Rest Area.

RSL Remembrance Ride:

  • Seventeen cyclists completed the third RSL Remembrance Ride, riding 450kms of gravel in the High Monaro. They attended services of remembrance in Cooma and Bungarby and raised funds to assist in preserving memorial halls.

OctoBER 2023

The Armidale Blues and RMC Duntroon Rugby Teams at the Michael Fussell Memorial Day.



  • RSL called on the Federal Government to increase defence spending and ensure that our nation’s Defence Forces are balanced and appropriate for the current unstable strategic environment in our region.

  • RSL Australia and RSL State Branches hosted the third National Forum for ESOs in Sydney, building on the previous two forums over the last 12 months. The day provided an opportunity for ESO representatives from across Australia to come together and collaborate on priority issues to support the ESO sector in informing the establishment of an ESO Peak Body. Guest speakers included Alison Frame, Secretary from the Department of Veterans’ Affairs, Royal Commissioners, and presenters across the ESO sector.

  • RSL made a submission for the Review of the National Legal Assistance Program.

  • RSL made a submission on the National Housing and Homelessness Plan.

Remembrance Day

  • The “Remember to Remember” campaign launched, encouraging all Australians to pause at 11 a.m. on 11 November to honour all who have given their lives in Service.

  • The annual RSL Poppy Appeal began. Donations help the RSL continue to deliver life-changing support to our veterans when they need it the most.

President’s Newsletter

  • RSL National President Greg Melick released his quarterly newsletter in which he reported on RSL’s response to emerging findings of the Royal Commission, provided an update on the AGM and changes to the National Board, and explained what RSL is advocating for in response to the Defence Strategic Review.


  • RSL Australia supported the Michael Fussell Memorial Day on 14 October. It was a great day out at Duntroon. The tournament between the Armidale Blues Rugby and Netball Club and the Royal Military College - Duntroon celebrated Mike's two passions. Mike was killed in action in Afghanistan. His family organised the event in his memory.

  • RSL National CEO Phil Winter represented RSL Australia at the RSL NSW Congress.

  • Representatives from The Royal New Zealand Returned and Services Association (RSA) visited the National Office to discuss strategic issues with the RSL National President and Chief Executive.

  • Members of the RSL National Office were invited to attend an event at the Japanese Embassy in honour of the anniversary of the Japanese Self-Defense Forces.

  • RSL National CEO Phil Winter attended the 100th anniversary of the Republic of Türkiye function in Canberra on 27 October.


Thank you to our volunteers who helped us pack care packages for ADF personnel deployed overseas in time for Christmas.


RSL Australia AGM

  • On 28 September, RSL Australia held the Annual General Meeting at the National Headquarters in Canberra.

  • RSL Australia thanked departing Board Members Bryan Slattery (RSL NSW Director) and Ross Byrne (RSL Tasmania Director) for their time and contribution while serving on the RSL National Board.

  • RSL Australia thanked John King for his contribution while serving as Deputy National President on the RSL National Board.

  • RSL Australia welcomed Duncan Anderson (WA Director) as the new Deputy National President of the Board.

  • RSL Australia welcomed Barry Quinn as the new RSL Tasmania Director on the National Board.

  • RSL Australia welcomed Neil James as the new RSL NSW Director on the National Board.

  • John King retained his role as ACT Director on the National Board.

  • Chris Hamilton was voted to Chair the National Veterans’ Affairs Committee (NVAC), and Dave Petersen was voted Vice Chair.

  • The 2022 Annual Report was published.

Royal Commission

  • Pete Rudland (RSL Australia Ambassador) attended Hearing Block 11 in Melbourne.

RSL Care Packages

  • RSL volunteers spent two days packing care packages to send to ADF personnel deployed overseas in time for Christmas as part of the RSL AFOF initiative.

RSL Active

Grassroots Program

  • RSL Australia accepted applications for the Japan-Australia Grassroots Exchange Program, available to descendants of Japanese POWs. The program aims to deepen the mutual understanding between Japanese and Australian people by inviting descendants of former POWs to tour Japan in the spirit of post-war reconciliation.

August 2023

Veterans and their families came together to participate in the City2Surf event in Sydney. Sponsored by RSL Active. 


Royal Commission

  • Hearing Block 11 began on 28 August in Melbourne. Pete Rudland (RSL Australia Ambassador) attended representing the RSL and observed the evidence presented during these hearings. 

RSL Scholarships

  • Presentations of the RSL Australia scholarships took place in Queensland and Melbourne. Brooke Mitchell and Abigail Paduch received $5,000 scholarships to undertake tertiary education.

  • Applications are now open for RSL Scholarships and the Reg Saunders Scholarship for 2024.

RSL Active

  • A team of over 100 veterans and their families took part in the City2Surf fun run in Sydney and remotely via the RSL Runners & Walkers Strava Club.

  • RSL Australia supported a team of veterans to compete at the Australian Drone Nationals.

  • RSL Australia announced it will be supporting the Long Ride Australia 2024. Registrations are now open.


  • Vietnam Veterans’ Day on 18th August 2023 marked the 50th anniversary of the end of Australia’s involvement in the Vietnam War. RSL Australia National President Greg Melick attended the national commemorative ceremony in Canberra and laid a wreath in remembrance.

  • RSL Australia commemorated Malaya and Borneo Veterans’ Day.


  • RSL Australia National President Greg Melick and RSL Victoria State President Rob Webster attended the presentation of the RSL Anzac Peace Prize to the Rotary Club of Wodonga West at Belvoir Park on Monday, August 21.

  • RSL Australia National President Greg Melick and RSL Australia CEO Phil Winter attended the Defence Reserves Association National Conference.

  • RSL Australia CEO Phil Winter attended the unveiling of the statue of Lieutenant Colonel Vivian Bullwinkel AO MBE ARRC ED at the Australian War Memorial. It's the first sculpture of an individual nurse or woman installed at the Memorial.

  • A new date was announced for the Michael Fussell Memorial Day. The Michael Fussell Memorial Charity Day is a rugby and netball tournament hosted in commemoration of the life of Michael Fussell (1983 - 2008), who was killed in service in Afghanistan. This event is an opportunity to bring together two aspects of Mike's life: growing up playing competitive sports in Armidale and his later military career.

JuLy 2023

Current and ex-serving personnel and the community came together to celebrate the joy of riding the waves at the 2023 Kirra Longboard Klassic sponsored by RSL Active. 


Royal Commission

  • Between 17 July – 26 July 2023, Hearing Block 10 was held in Adelaide. Representing the RSL, Pete Rudland (RSL Australia Ambassador) attended and observed the evidence presented during these hearings. 

RSL Scholarships

  • RSL Australia National Board Chair David Nathan attended the AVCAT awards in Sydney to award Matilda Langham the RSL Australia scholarship. Each year, RSL Australia provides scholarships for children and grandchildren of veterans to assist them to undertake tertiary education in Australia.

RSL Active

  • Kirra Longboard Klassic took place in Coolangatta from 29-30 July, bringing together current and ex-serving personnel and the community in a fun, inclusive sporting event. RSL Australia proudly sponsored entries into the ADF division.

State Conference

  • RSL National President Greg Melick and RSL National CEO Phil Winter attended the RSL Victoria State Conference.

Korean War - 70th Anniversary

  • Koreans Veterans’ Day on 27th July 2023 marked 70 years since the armistice was signed that ended the Korean War. RSL Australia commemorated the event with a social media campaign sharing facts and stories from what is known as the ‘Forgotten War’.

  • RSL Australia National President Greg Melick attended the Korean Veterans’ Day commemorative ceremony in Perth where a new memorial for Korean War veterans was unveiled in Kings Park to mark the 70th anniversary of the signing of the Armistice of the Korean War. Media release.

RSL Veterans’ Employment Program

  • As a result of the RSL Veterans’ Employment Program securing further funding, RSLA is now implementing the next phase of RVEP to continue to support veterans and partners and immediate family members of veterans with a range of employment services.

June 2023

Jason Weeks competing in the ADF Division in the 2022 Kirra Longboard Klassic sponsored by RSL Active.


RSL State Congresses

  • RSL National President Greg Melick attended the State Congress meeting for RSL Tasmania

  • RSL National CEO Phil Winter attended the State Congress meetings for RSL WA and RSL South Australia

RSL Australia Media Releases in June

RSL Veterans’ Employment Program

  • The RSL Veterans’ Employment Program secured further funding to continue to support veterans, and partners and immediate family members of veterans and current serving ADF personnel, find a rewarding job.

RSL Active

  • Kirra Longboard Klassic - RSL Australia is sponsoring 36 complimentary entries into the ADF Division - 29-30 July

  • City2Surf - RSL Australia is sponsoring prizes for the virtual team competing via the RSL Runners and Walkers Strava Club on 13 August.

  • Australian Drone Nationals - RSL Australia is sponsoring the Veteran Drone Racing Team to compete at the Nationals in Townsville 24-27 August

  • RSL Remembrance Ride 2024 - RSL Australia will sponsor the RSL Remembrance Ride again in 2024.

RSL Awards

  • RSL National CEO Phil Winter attended the Royal Military College of Australia Prizes and Awards Ceremony and presented the “The Returned Services League of Australia Prize” to SCDT Aiden Allen, the Second Class cadet who achieved the highest result in all assessed subjects. This prize is part of a proud RSL tradition of supporting RMC graduates and was first presented in 1970.

May 2023

National Forum for Ex-Service Organisations - Sydney.

  • Advocacy / Representation: RSL Australia attended ESORT (Ex-Service Organisation Round Table meeting) and published a summary of the issues that were discussed.

  • Federal Budget Report: The RSL produced a report summarising the measures relating to veterans in the Federal Budget. The RSL will continue to work tirelessly with the Federal Government to ensure our members are supported by practical services and demand-driven programs and funding.   

  • National Forum for ESOs: Representatives from over 40 ex-service organisations (ESOs) attended the second National Forum for Ex-Service Organisations in Sydney. Read a summary of the day.

  • Royal Commission:  Representatives of the RSL attended the Perth Hearing Block, which commenced on the 15th of May.

  • RSL Active: RSL Australia supported the World Veterans Rowing and Kayaking Event by assisting with the selection of competitors.

APRIL 2023

RSL Ambassador Pete Rudland gives a touching ANZAC Requiem at the Lest We Forget ANZAC Tribute Concert in Sydney.

  • RSL Australia responded to comments made by Prime Minister Anthony Albanese acknowledging and courage and sacrifice of Australians who served in the Vietnam War.

  • President’s Newsletter: The RSL National President updated subscribers on the news from the first quarter.

  • RSL Australia responded to the Defence Strategic Review recommendations.

  • RSLA submitted a paper recommending to DVA improvements to the current system for Veteran Advocacy.

  • On the 26th of April 2023, a special ceremony was held at the Australian Memorial in Gapyeong, South Korea in which students from Gapyeong High School and Gapyeong Middle School received scholarship grants from RSL’s Jubilee Commemorative Fund. The scholarships serve as a practical and enduring memorial to honour Australians who fought and lost their lives in the Korean War (1950 – 1953).

Anzac Day Commemorations 

  • RSL’s 2023 message was That’s the Anzac Spirit – encouraging all Australians to embrace the characteristics of the ANZACs to keep the Anzac Spirit alive.

  • State and Sub-branches held Dawn Services and Marches around the country 

  • RSL announced the recipients of the 2023 RSL ANZAC of the Year Awards

  • RSL Volunteers sold badges to raise money for the Anzac Appeal 

  • RSL’s limited edition ANZAC biscuit tins were available in Coles, Aldi and Woolworths stores 

  • RSL Australia’s Chair David Nathan, CEO Phil Winter and Ambassador Pete Rudland attended the Lest We Forget ANZAC Tribute Concert at Sydney Town Hall. Pete Rudland gave a touching ANZAC Requiem, supported on stage by his son Talon.

  • Sports organisations worked with RSL State Branches to incorporate an element of commemoration at the beginning of sporting matches in the week leading up to Anzac Day.  

March 2023

RSL National President, Greg Melick and the Deputy Ambassador pay their respects at the Yokohama Commonwealth War Cemetery, Japan.

  • On the 7th and 8th of March, RSL staff and volunteers packed over 300 care packages to send to our troops stationed overseas to show them how much we appreciate their work.

  • RSL Australia National President Greg Melick visited Japan as part of the Grassroots Exchange Program organised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan. Two descendants of former POWs, Lesley Callcott (RSL NSW) and Leigh Gilbert (RSL Queensland), also attended. The program aims to promote post-war reconciliation. Over the week, the group visited the Yokohama Commonwealth War Cemetery, the Australian Embassy, the Peace Memorial Park and the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum.

  • The RSL, with the Defence Force Welfare Association (DFWA) and the Defence Reserves Association (DRA) made a joint submission to the Minister for Veterans’ Affairs and Defence Personnel, Hon Matt Keogh MP, seeking his support for the extension of health care to all those serving in the reserve forces. Media Release - 22 March

  • RSL Australia and the Defence Force Welfare Association have called on the Federal Government to harmonise the funeral benefits payable to service veterans to remove the existing disparity. Currently, the benefits paid range from just $2000 to $12,600. The differences between these benefits are difficult to justify. Media Release - 31 March

  • The RSL Anzac biscuits in limited edition commemorative tins hit the shelves in Aldi, Coles, Woolworths and Independent Stores. Find out more.

  • The RSL Deputy National President, John King and several RSL Australia staff attended the prizegiving for the winners of The Simpson Prize, a national easy competition for Year 9 and 10 students that focuses on the service of Australians in World War I.

  • RSL Australia attended ESORT (Ex-Service Organisation Round Table meeting) and published a summary of the issues that were discussed.


Jim Grebert presented with a certificate by RSL National President Greg Melick on his 100th birthday celebration

Jim Grebert of Sandgate RSL Sub Branch is presented with a certificate by RSL National President, Greg Melick, on his 100th birthday.

  • The RSL made a Pre-Budget Submission to Treasury in preparation for the 2023-24 Budget announcement due in May.  The submission outlined a range of policy changes that which would improve access to services and entitlements for veterans and their families.  Media Release -  8 Feb  

  • RSL Active: In late February, RSL Australia announced the opening of a ‘pop-up’ high-performance sports apparel store available to any supporter of RSL who enjoys getting active. The range has been developed as a 'special collection’ in collaboration with Champion Systems and includes options for runners, walkers, cyclists and general training. Orders are open until the end of March. 

  • The RSL Remembrance Ride 2023 opened registrations for a scenic 420km ride around the Central West Cycle trail in NSW between the 1-6 May. Registrations are open until the 10th March 2023.

  • RSL Veterans’ Employment Program (RVEP):  On the 14th Feb, RSL National Program Manager Elle Wilman and Case Navigator Ian Smith attended the Defence Members and Family transition seminar in held in Canberra. Servulink attended as RSL Australia’s guests to promote the recently launched Veterans’ Catalogue web tool.  The team enjoyed meeting with attendees and discussing how the RVEP program can assist Defence Members and their families as they transition into the civilian workforce. 

  • Australia Day Medallions:  Across Australia, the RSL awarded deserving members of their organisations with Australia Day Medallions in recognition of exceptional performance in special projects or core duties. RSL Australia recognised Jodine La Pere, Antonia Newcomb and Isaac Ohlin for their valued contributions to National Office projects and duties.  

  • RSL Australia welcomed Jim Grebert of Sandgate RSL Sub Branch to National Office to acknowledge and celebrate his 100th birthday. During his time in Canberra, Mr Grebert also visited the Australian War Memorial and attended a Last Post Ceremony.  

  • Other Media Releases:


ADFA Graduation - RSL Award presented by Greg Melick

Royal Commission: Following the completion of Hearing Block 8 held in Wagga Wagga in late November, the RSL released a Hearing Summary outlining the key themes and evidence presented as well as an overview of initiatives the RSL have underway to address some of the issues being raised. The RSL has had representatives attend all Hearing Blocks to date. All submissions, recommendation papers, media releases and hearing summaries produced by the RSL are available on the RSL Australia Royal Commission Information Page  

Military Graduations and Presentations: Every year in December, colleges and training faculties for the Australia Defence Force host their graduation ceremonies to celebrate those who have completed and excelled in their respective training programs. RSL Australia supports a range of awards and gifts a valuable Sword of Honour to those who have excelled in their field.   

  • 8 Dec - ADFA Graduation:  RSL Award for Outstanding Achievement in Leadership and Officer Development by a Third Class Officer Cadet/Midshipman of the Australian Defence Force Academy presented by Greg Melick, National President RSL Australia   

  • 12 Dec - Royal Military College:  RSL award for Outstanding Achievement by a Second Class Cadet of the Royal Military College of Australia who has attained the best results in all assessed subjects presented by John King, Deputy President of RSL Australia 

  • 14 Dec - HMAS Watson: RSL Award for Outstanding Achievement as Dux of the Maritime Warfare Officer Course presented by RSL NSW Board Director Phillip Bridie AM  on behalf of RSL Australia

National Research Project: In November RSL Australia commenced a multi-phase research project to better understand the evolving needs and sentiment of our wider veteran community. Phase 1 which entailed a short public survey has now been completed. In December Phase 2 was initiated involving a series of in-depth interviews with a broad range of candidates from the veteran community. The third and final phase (an informed National Survey) will commence in 2023.   

The RSL Veterans’ Employment Program: A series of informative short format videos continue to be released nationally, covering a range of topics relating to career transition and featuring some respected industry speakers. You can find these on the RSL Australia Youtube Channel or posted to our Facebook page.   

Media Releases / Statements:  

Presidents Newsletter: In December, the RSL Australia National President Greg Melick released an end of year Newsletter detailing significant events, accomplishments and projects undertaken in 2022. You can read December’s edition here or visit this page to subscribe to our mailing list.   


Greg Melick lays a wreath at the National Remembrance Day Ceremony hosted at the Australian War Memorial on 11 Nov

RSL NSW Congress: RSL National President Greg Melick, and National CEO, Phil Winter attended the NSW Congress and acknowledged the high attendance and the calibre of presenters and topics discussed at the event.  

Veterans’ Catalogue launches: After much anticipation, the Veterans’ Catalogue web application launched at the RSL NSW Congress on the 1st of November as part of a 12-month pilot program. The online tool has been developed as part of a collaboration between RSL Australia and Servulink to enable veterans and their families to more easily find and connect with the services they need.  All reputable defence and veteran service providers are encouraged to register to ensure a comprehensive national database is developed for the app's users.  

Remembrance Day: On November 11, the RSL organisation led the country in commemorations. The two primary campaigns, including Remember to Remember, produced by RSL Queensland State Branch and the well known Poppy Appeal, a fundraiser organised by RSL Victoria, were widely supported across the country. Following a lift in COVID restrictions, the public come out in force to support the wide range of services and Marches hosted across Australia by State Branches and Sub Branches. In addition to these, the RSL organised a range of events, programs and activations to further engage schools, aged care facilities and the general public. 

RSL President Greg Melick and CEO Phil Winter attended the National Remembrance Day ceremony hosted at the Australian War Memorial. RSL Australia also offered its support to a new campaign led by Defence Families of Australia and Legacy called 'RememBEARance’, which encouraged people to pay tribute to the service and sacrifices made by defence and veteran families by laying a bear during a Remembrance Day service.  

·         How you can Commemorate this Remembrance Day 
·         RSL urges Australians to acknowledge Remembrance Day 
·         RememBEARance 2022: Recognising Defence & Veteran Families 
·         National Bugler Activation 

National ESO Forum: On the 15th of November 2022, the RSL hosted the first National ESO Forum in Canberra. 50+ representatives from prominent ESOs across Australia joined to discuss ways the sector can collectively better serve the needs of veterans and their families. Commissioners from the Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide attended and were pleased to experience the positive and proactive initiative led by the ESO sector. A participant-endorsed report will be released before Christmas with recommendations and the next steps. 

·         RSL Announces National ESO Forum  
·         ESO Sector Pursues National Peak Body 

Royal Commission:  Representatives of the RSL attended the Wagga Wagga Hearing Block, which commenced on the 28th November.  During this time, RSL National Ambassador Peter Rudland participated in several media interviews. In December the RSL will release a summary of the evidence presented during this Hearing Block. The next public Hearing will be held in Perth in May 2023.  

National research project gets underway: In mid-November, RSL Australia launched the first part of a three-part nationwide research project. The project consists of qualitative interviews and a larger qualitative survey that aims to capture insights from across Australia’s veteran community. Findings will inform RSL’s future strategy and the support programs offered.  

Media Releases: 

·         28 Nov: RSL Monitoring Afghanistan Honours Issue 
·         17 Nov:  RSL Australia undertaking National Research to Inform Future Strategy  



National President re-elected: On October 12th, the RSL Australia held its AGM in Canberra, during which Greg Melick was re-elected for a second three-year term as the RSL National President. See Media Release.

Australian Forces Overseas Fund (AFOF) pack day:  On the 12th and 13th of October RSL Australia, alongside volunteers from St Mary’s RSL Sub Branch and Malabar RSL Sub Branch came together at Randwick Barracks to prepare 300 care packages destined for Australian personnel currently deployed overseas. Pack days are organised twice a year and funded through donations to the Australia Forces Overseas Fund.  

Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide:  Between the 18th – 27th of October the 7th hearing block was held in Darwin. Representing the RSL, Pete Rudland (RSL National Ambassador) and David Grenvold (RSLSA CEO) attended and observed the evidence presented during these hearings.   

AWM Last Post Ceremony Sponsorship:  RSL Australia established a five-year sponsorship of the daily live-streamed broadcast of the Australian War Memorial Last Post Ceremony.  Each day the Last Post Ceremony, tells the story of one of the more than 103,000 Australians whose names are recorded on the Memorial’s Roll of Honour. The broadcast sponsorship of The Last Post ceremonies is held alongside the RSL and Services Clubs Association. 

Michael Fussell Memorial Charity Day:  After months of planning, it was with great regret that the Michael Fussell Rugby and Netball tournament scheduled for Saturday 8th October was postponed due to excessive rain and unsuitable field conditions. A well-attended commemorative Last Post Ceremony was held for Lieutenant Michael Kenneth Housdan Fussell (1983 – 2008) at the Australian War Memorial on Friday 7th October.  

RSL Active: 

  • Long Ride Australia 2022: 22-28th October 
    RSL Australia was proud to sponsor the Long Ride 2022. The event involved hundreds of motorbike enthusiasts from across Australia, including many veterans, who participated in a nationwide motorbike tour. Groups departed from across Australia, travelling long days to meet at the end destination at Victor Harbor, South Australia. The event which raises awareness for the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia successfully raised over $88,000 for the cause. 

  • RSL Strava Clubs: RSL continues to promote the RSL Strava Clubs which connects veterans and families through virtual sports clubs using the popular Strava App. By early October both RSL Active Strava Clubs for runners/walkers and cyclists had reached a milestone of 100+ members each and continue to grow.

October Media Releases / Articles: 


The Queen’s passing:  Felt globally and deeply by millions across the world, RSL Australia mourned the passing of the nation’s Head of State and RSL Australia Patron since 1952.  During this period, RSL Australia issued advice and guidance to State branches on the protocols to observe.

Royal Commission Update:  Following the release of the Royal Commission’s Interim Report, RSL’s working group formulated a response which was released in September. This aligned closely with the response by Federal Government. 

Mental Health Initiative: At the end of September, after a year in operation the MHI program came to an end having delivered 37 workshops, training 439 participants in mental health literacy. The Mental Health Initiative involved a partnership between RSL Australia and Open Arms and offered a range of funded mental health and suicide prevention workshops to those who were closely connected to the veteran community, or veterans themselves. While the program has now officially ended, RSL Australia continues to promote Open Arms workshops which offer a great suite of tools for those dealing with mental health challenges.  

Commemorations – Kokoda Campaign 80th Anniversary: RSL Australia, RSL NSW and RSL WA supported a remarkable commemorative expedition, undertaken by the 39th Operational Support Battalion and 16th Royal Western Australian Regiment to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the Kokoda Campaign.  RSL National President Greg Melick attended a service held at the end of the trek in Bomana, Papua New Guinea along with ancestors of the Battalions and other dignitaries.  RSL was proud to sponsor the local Papuan porters on this expedition (including their apparel) who provided a huge level of support to the group, just as their forebears had done during the Kokoda Campaign.  

Media Releases/Articles:   



  • Royal Commission Update:  On the 11th of August, the Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide released its interim report containing 13 recommendations for immediate address.  

  • Scholarships: Submissions are opened for the 2023 RSL Scholarships and Reg Saunders Scholarships valued at $32,000 per year. Applications are administered by the Australian Veterans & Children Assistance Trust (AVCAT) and are open until the 31st of October 2022  

  • RSLA Mental Health Initiative:   During August, the RSLA Mental Health Initiative in partnership with Open Arms, delivered seven mental health and suicide prevention workshops in the following locations: 

    • Frankston RSL – 2nd August 2022 -  Mental Health First Aid  

    • Pine River RSL - 4 August 2022 - Mental Health First Aid 

    • Wangaratta RSL  - 15th August 2022 - Mental Health First Aid 

    • Bendigo RSL - 22nd August 2022 - ASIST 

    • RSL Victoria - 26th August 2022 - safeTALK 

    • Horsham RSL – 29th August 2022 - Mental Health First Aid 

    • Spotswood Kingsville RSL – 30th August 2022 - safeTALK 

  • RSL Active: 

    • RSL gets behind the Michael Fussell Memorial Charity Day . This rugby and netball tournament will see Armidale Blues face off against the Royal Military College – Duntroon at Portsea Oval in October. The event will offer a great day out with food trucks, competitive club sport and a range of entertainment throughout the day. All funds raised will go to the RSL Foundation 

    • Long Ride Australia 2022:  Due to popular demand, registrations for the long-distance motorbike tour (which departs in late October) closed early on the 31st August. As the primary sponsor of this charitable event, RSL Australia will turn its attention to promoting its cause which raises awareness and funds for the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia.  

    • RSL Strava Clubs:  Members of both the Cycling and Runners & Walkers Club continue to grow with both clubs reaching the milestone of 100 members each in August.  

    • Strava Challenges kick off: The Runners & Walkers Club participated in a virtual City2Surf Challenge, with members asked to complete 14km on the 14th August. All validated entries went in the draw to win 5x $50 gift cards. Cycling Club members were ‘challenged’ to capture an amazing picture as part of a 25km minimum ride during August. The top 5 photos submitted as judged by head office, also won $50 gift cards.  

  •  Commemorations:  

    • Vietnam Veterans Day was acknowledged in services big and small across Australia on the 18th August. RSL Australia attended a service hosted at the Australian War Memorial alongside RSL ACT.  

    • RSL Australia, RSL WA and RSL NSW have got behind the 80th Anniversary Commemorative Kokoda Trek, being undertaken by the 16th RWAR and 39th OSB between 31 August – 11 September. The RSL has sponsored the 12 porters supporting the expedition group and has equipped them with RSL apparel for the trip.  RSL National President Greg Melick will be attending a commemorative service hosted in Bomana (PNG) on the 10th of September alongside other dignitaries. 

  •  New staff appointments welcomed to RSL National 

    • Jo Schmid joins RSL Australia as National Brand and Marketing Manager and has commenced a national brand audit project as part of RSL’s National Strategic Plan 

    • David Bridgfoot joins RSL as the National Ceremonial and Commemorations Officer to provide guidance and support on RSL’s approach to commemorations.  

  •  Restoration Project Underway: After ten years in storage, the Peace Panel, a large and intricate wooden carving reflecting the Great War, has been moved into the National office and is now on display for visitors. 

JULY 2022

  • Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide:  

    • RSL prepared an Interim Submission to inform recommendations of the Royal Commission Interim Report which is due out in August. It contains recommendations that could be implemented immediately, and others with a longer-term view.  

  • RSL Active Strava Clubs were launched at National Office and are gaining momentum  

  • The RSL met with representatives of the Japanese Self Defence Force to progress plans for the Japanese-Australia Grassroots Exchange Program in 2023. This reconciliation program established in 1994, invites Australian representatives on an exchange to experience the culture and society that emerged in Japan's democratic nation post-war. 

  • Sponsorship the ADF division of the annual Kirra Longboard Klassic on 16-17 July. The sponsorship included the entries of 24 veterans and defence personnel who came together over two days to compete in a friendly and supportive environment. The event was supported by Cherisa Pearce and Pete Rudland (RSL National Ambassadors). 

  • Confirmed sponsorship for the 11th Long Ride Australia 2022.  This week-long motorbike tour, which is popular in the veteran community, departs from every state in Australia and raises awareness and funds for the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia.  

  • RSL Veterans’ Employment Program

    • Welcomed Sally Holland (Case Navigator) and Alison Ashby (Veteran Services Coordinator) to the South Australian team who will also be supporting the program in the Northern Territory 

    • Supported the Darwin Defence and Families Transition Seminar – 20 July 

    • Preparations for the DVA program report  

  • Mental Health Initiative: The final list of workshops in RSL’s mental health literary campaign are now scheduled across Australia. Workshops will be available across a range of dates and locations until December 2022.  

JUNE 2022

  • Meetings with Hon. Matt Keogh as the new Minister of Veteran Affairs by RSL National President Greg Melick to discuss the new appointment, working relationship and veteran issues.  

  • $32,000 in scholarships announced for Australian students as the 2022 recipients of the RSL Scholarships and Reg Sanders Scholarships 

  • Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide: 

    • Attendance and media representation by Pete Rudland at the Royal Commission Hearing in Townsville  

    • Representation at the Royal Commission Stakeholder Reference Group by CEO Phil Winter 

  • The RSL Australia Mental Health Initiative continues to support a range of workshops in Sub Branches across Australia. Since January the initiative has supported 28 workshops delivering training to 224 participants.  

  • The RSL Veterans’ Employment Program continues to support virtual and live Transition Seminars across Australia. Preparations are being made to attend the live Seminar in Darwin on the 20th of July. A signed Deed of Variation with DVA ensures the RSL program will continue to be supported until the end of 2023. The Program is gaining traction, particularly with veteran families.

  • RSL Active progresses programs and/or sponsorships:

  • A new media release was issued on the Catalogue of Services and further preparation to progress the pilot program.

  • Other Media Releases in June:

    • New appointment to Minister of Veteran Affairs

    • RSL condemns Green’s move on flag 

    • Call for sustainable, needs-based funding, following record level of RSL Support 

    • New census data to guide RSL services and support 

  • Attendance and representation at the Congress meetings for RSL WA, RSL Tasmania and RSL South Australia by RSL National President Greg Melick and CEO Phil Winter

  • Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations: RSL acknowledged HM Queen Elizabeth’s role as Patron of the RSL through a media release, social media activities, shared guidance to state branches, representation at official events (CEO, Phil Winter) and the illumination of the RSL National Office over 2-5 June. 

May 2022

  • Under the RSL Active program, the RSL Remembrance Ride completed a 920km off-road cycle over Mawson’s Trail in South Australia. The ride brought veterans together for an endurance challenge, raised funds for the upkeep of war memorials in the region and connected with remote veteran communities over the 15-day journey.   

  • Six Mental Health Initiative workshops were hosted in May: 

    • Wynyard RSL, safeTALK 

    • RSL Victoria, safeTALK 

    • Bendigo RSL, Mental Health First Aid 

    • RSL Victoria, ASIST 

    • Clayton RSL, safeTALK 

    • Lang Lang RSL, safeTALK 

APRIL 2022


Anzac Day Commemorations 

  • RSL’s 2022 message was Commemorate Your Way – encouraging all Australians to connect with the Anzac Spirit in a way that suited them, aiming to promote maximum participation in Anzac commemorations.  

  • State and Sub-branches held Dawn Services and Marches around the country 

  • RSL announced the recipients of the 2022 RSL ANZAC of the Year Awards

  • RSL ACT led the Veterans’ March at the Australian War Memorial in Canberra 

  • RSL Volunteers sold badges to raise money for the Anzac Appeal 

  • RSL’s limited edition biscuit tins were available in Coles, Aldi and Woolworths stores 

  • RSL’s National President, Greg Melick and Ambassador, Cherisa Pearce appeared as guests on Channel 7’s Sunrise show. Cherisa, was involved in the launch of an official partnership between the Gold Coast SUNS and RSL Queensland, a partnership she endorses as part of connecting with the younger generation veterans.

  • RSL Australia’s CEO, Phil Winter and Ambassador, Pete Rudland, attended the Lest We Forget ANZAC Tribute at Sydney Town Hall on return from the Invictus Games 

  • Many sports clubs worked with RSL State Branches to incorporate an element of commemoration at the beginning of sporting matches in the week leading up to Anzac Day.  

A Mental Health Initiative workshop was hosted in Tasmania on the 7th April at the Wynyard RSL Sub-Branch, with more planned for May and June. 

RSL announces a pilot program to launch a digital ‘Catalogue of Services’ in partnership with Servulink. The solution will offer a user-friendly and geo-targeted tool enabling veterans to better navigate the national network of support services available to them.  

Hearing Block 4 of the Royal Commission was held in Canberra (4–14 April 2022) and attended by RSL Ambassador, Pete Rudland. Read a summary report from the hearing.

March 2022

  • RSL celebrated International Women’s Day. RSL Ambassador CJ Pearce spoke with her friends and classmates from the Royal Military College about what International Women’s Day meant to them.  Watch the video.

  • RSL live-streamed Hearing Block 3 of the Royal Commission. RSL Ambassador Pete Rudland attended. Read the summary of the first hearing blocks.

  • RSL Ambassador CJ Pearce presented at the Forces Command Welfare Conference on how the RSL supports veterans.  

  • The RSL National office hosted H.E Ambassador Ines Almeida and Security Attache, Mr Hermenegildo da Cruz from the Embassy of Timor-Leste at the RSL National Office. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss opportunities for cooperation between the Embassy and RSL to strengthen the veterans-veterans relationship between Australia and Timor-Leste.  

  • RSL CEO Phil Winter took leave to volunteer with St John Ambulance in the Lismore region to assist with the flood recovery  

  • RSL Staff and Volunteers packed the “AFOF packages” - care packages for ADF personnel deployed overseas. Care packages are filled with treats to show our appreciation for their work and remind them of home. They will receive them around Anzac Day.  

  • RSL Australia Mental Health Initiative workshops were underway in March: 

    • Forestville RSL hosted Suicide Aware for Everyone (safeTALK) 

    • Wynyard RSL hosted Mental Health First Aid  

    • RSL Tasmania hosted a Mental Health First Aid  

    • Currumbin RSL hosted Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (Asist)  

    • RSL Victoria hosted Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (Asist) 

    • Shepparton RSL hosted Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (Asist) 

    • Bacchus March RSL hosted Suicide Aware for Everyone (safeTALK) 


  • RSL live-streamed Hearing Block 2 of the Royal Commission, providing daily summaries of the proceedings to RSL staff to keep everyone informed. We held weekly meetings to discuss key themes and learnings to date. 

  • RSL Ambassador Pete Rudland attended the Hearing Block 2 of the Royal Commission, representing RSL Australia in Sydney. 

  • RSL’s National Commemorations team was busy collaborating to organise commemorative events and campaigns for Anzac Day 2022.  

  • Expressions of Interest for the RSL Remembrance Ride opened. The ride will benefit veteran communities within the villages and towns along the Mawson Trail in South Australia.  

  • RSL commemorated 80 years since the Bombing of Darwin on 19 February.  

  • We began organising the AFOF care packages for ADF personnel deployed overseas so that they will receive them around Anzac Day.  

  • The RSL Mental Health Initiative launched a new online course: Suicide Prevention Start. This online presentation shares information on recognising when someone is thinking about suicide and strategies for connecting them to help and support. 

  • RSL Australia hosted a virtual live day as part of the ADF Transition Seminar to speak with transitioning ADF members about the ways the RSL can support them.  

  • We recruited two new staff members to the National Office. Welcome to Laurie and Karen. 

  • We started a working group looking at taking the RSL Active program, a health and wellbeing program nationwide.  

  • RSL Australia contributed to the War Memorial Gallery Project.  

January 2022

  • RSL Australia recommended changes to improve access to rental assistance in its submission to the 2021 Senate inquiry regarding TPI payments, in January we saw changes to the way veterans can access support from DVA come into effect.  

  • A new communication and marketing package is now available to RSL Sub-Branches involved in hosting Mental Health workshops through the RSL Australia Mental Health Initiative. 


  • RSL Australia assisted with the presentations of the Australian Sports Medal to the NSW and Canberra based 2018 Invictus Team at the Australian War Memorial. 

  • RSL Ambassador, Pete Rudland received the Australian Sports Medal for his participation in the 2018 Invictus Games Team.  

  • RSL awarded the RSL Sword for Service for Outstanding Achievement in Leadership and Officer Development to Midshipman Chloe Reay RAN of the Australian Defence Force Academy.   

  • The RSL National President updated subscribers about the Royal Commission, reflected on 2021 and communicated the areas of focus for 2022 in the December newsletter.  

  • The RSL National President updated the veteran community in The Last Post – December edition.  

  • RSL NSW and RSL Queensland held their State Congress and AGM. 

  • RSL Queensland elected a new State President - Congratulations to Major General Stephen Day DSC AM who has been elected for a three-year term.  

  • RSL Mental Health Initiative safeTALK workshop took place at Wynyard RSL Sub-Branch.  

  • A new working group was established to address gender equality across RSL boards at national and state level.  

November 2021

  • We commemorated Kokoda Day (3 Nov) and remembered the service of the New Guinea Wartime Carriers.

  • Our focus for the first half of the month was on Remembrance Day and supporting the Poppy Appeal.

  • The RSL President and the RSL Ambassadors created a video about the significance of Remembrance Day.

  • RSL Ambassador CJ Pearce was interviewed on radio 2CC on Remembrance Day.

  • RSL Ambassador Pete Rudland was interviewed on Sky News on Remembrance Day.

  • RSL Ambassador Pete was interviewed by Wikinews about the significance of Remembrance Day.

  • RSL Australia laid a wreath at the Australian War Memorial at the national Remembrance Day service.

  • The first workshop as part of the RSL Mental Health Initiative took place at the Currumbin Palm Beach RSL Sub-branch. RSL Ambassador CJ attended to open the session.

  • RSL Australia now has a Youtube channel – please subscribe!

  • We commemorated 80 years since the sinking of HMAS Sydney (19 Nov), a tragedy that is never forgotten.

  • Our focus for the second half of November has been on the Royal Commission.

  • RSL Australia along with the State branches provided a submission to the Royal Commission.

  • RSL Ambassador Pete Rudland attended the opening hearings of the Royal Commission, representing RSL Australia in Brisbane.

  • RSL Australia and RSL State Branches are working together to monitor proceedings at the Royal Commission, circulating a daily update to keep staff informed. We are ready and willing to participate and contribute.

October 2021

  • RSL launches Mental Health Initiative in partnership with open arms to provide free suicide intervention and mental health literacy workshops across Australia. Learn more.  

  • RSL Australia 2020 Annual Report is published online.  

  • Hosted a virtual live day as part of the ADF Transition Seminar to speak with transitioning ADF members about the ways the RSL can support them 

  • RSL Australia partnered with Veteran Sport Australia and Open Arms to encourage members to join “Team Veteran” at Parkrun events around the country as part of Veterans’ Health Week.  

  • RSL Ambassador, CJ attended the Women Veterans United conference. 

  • RSL Ambassador, CJ attended the Veteran Health and Support Services Expo at Currumbin Palm Beach RSL Sub-Branch. 

September 2021

  • RSL Australia speaks up to protect the sanctity of ANZAC day after Australian educators suggest removing it from the Australian Curriculum. Read more.  

  • Policy Officer/Spokesperson, Jeff House, joins the team to enhance advocacy efforts and to coordinate the RSL’s involvement with the Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide.   

  • RSL Australia publicly condemns the Melbourne protestors’ desecration of the Shrine of Remembrance and the misuse of the National Flag and the Red Ensign Flag. Read more.  

  • RSL social media platforms, previously called “RSL National,” are updated to “RSL Australia” to make it easier for people to connect with us.  

  • Hosted a virtual live day as part of the ADF Transition Seminar to speak with transitioning ADF members about the ways the RSL can support them.

August 2021

  • RSL Australia begins preparing a consolidated submission to present to the Royal Commission investigating the incidence of veteran and defence personnel suicide. Read more.  

  • RSL Australia calls for fast-tracking of visas for Afghans who supported Australian troops. Read more.  

  • RSL Australia asks the Australian public to recognise the contribution of ADF veterans of the Afghanistan conflict and show understanding, care, and support for the service they provided. Read more.  

  • Mental Health Program Coordinator, Cyndy Jakobi joins the team to implement a new national mental health initiative.  

  • RSL Australia calls for support for Afghanistan evacuees. Read more.  

  • RSL Australia Veterans’ Employment Program is launched nationally with the support of the Australian Government and DVA. Learn more.  

  • RSL Australia launches the new website: 

  • Hosted a virtual live day as part of the ADF Transition Seminar to speak with transitioning ADF members about the ways the RSL can support them.

  • RSL Australia coordinates Australian Taxation Office’s engagement with RSL State Branches regarding the impacts of the Douglas Decision on veterans’ military invalidity benefits. 

  • RSL Australia lodges a Submission to the Defence Honours Tribunal - Inquiry into recognition for service in Somalia. 

  • RSL Australia encourages members to complete the Australian 2021 Census, which includes a new question about service in the ADF that will help the Government better understand the veteran community – a question that RSL has lobbied should be included since 1999. Read more.