National Veterans' Affairs Committee (NVAC)

The RSL Australia National Veterans’ Affairs Committee (NVAC) is the forum where the key policy issues in the veterans’ affairs space are discussed by a council of delegates from each of the RSL State Branches. The committee is chaired by Chris Hamilton (RSL Queensland).

The committee meets every two months. It is tasked with identifying and reviewing relevant legislation and policy that affects or could affect veterans and/or their families and advising the National Board accordingly on issues that should be addressed. RSL Members are encouraged to submit issues for NVAC to discuss using the form below.

Recommendations endorsed by the National Board inform the policy priorities the RSL pursues in its representation and lobbying of the Federal Government and other key stakeholders. 

RSL can raise these matters with the Federal Government through forums such as the Ex-Services Organisation Round Table (ESORT), which is the main body for consultation between ex-service organisations and the Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA), and the Operational Working Party, designed to facilitate communication between the veteran and ex-service community, the Repatriation and Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Commissions, and the Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA). RSL actively participates in both of these groups, which seek to address issues of strategic importance to the ex-service and defence communities and assist in setting directions for the medium to long term.

Further reading:

Submit an issue for discussion

Use the form below to submit an issue for discussion. Your form will be received by RSL Australia who will share the information with relevant State Branches.

Achievements and Impact of NVAC

  • Harmonisation of veterans’ entitlement legislation

    The RSL has been calling for many years for the consolidation of the three Acts governing veterans’ entitlements and legislation into a single piece of legislation to simplify claims for veterans and their families. So the Federal Government’s announcement in February 2023 that it intended to simplify legislation governing Veterans’ compensation, rehabilitation, and other entitlements is an acknowledgment of the ongoing work of NVAC and those within the RSL advocating for the change.

  • Increase to Veterans’ Home Care funding

    The Federal Government has announced an additional $70.6 million in funding over four years to increase Veterans’ Home Care fees for domestic assistance and personal care services. This funding will help to ensure important domestic assistance and personal care support through the Veterans’ Home Care program is delivered to the veteran community. The fee increase will benefit the 37,000 veterans, war widows, and widowers who receive services delivered through the Veterans’ Home Care program.

  • Extension to Provisional Access to Medical Treatment (PAMT)

    The Federal Government has committed $33million to extend access to free medical treatment for veterans. The free Provisional Access to Medical Treatment program provides access to medical treatment for 20 of the most commonly claimed conditions to veterans who have lodged a claim with DVA. The funding will ensure veterans can continue to access medical treatment for their condition while they wait for their claims to be processed, ensuring veterans access treatment sooner than they otherwise might.

  • Expanded Psychiatric Assistance Dogs Program (PADP)

    This commitment consists of $22 million in funding to provide psychiatric assistance dogs to veterans living with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The Psychiatric Assistance Dog Program matches highly trained dogs with veterans diagnosed with PTSD to support them through their clinical recovery.