Representation, Advocacy AND Policy
The Returned & Services League of Australia has played an instrumental role in shaping legislation relating to veterans for over 100 years.
The RSL is one of the most respected voices representing veterans, directly influencing the Federal Government. We advocate on serious and important issues to serving and ex-serving ADF members and their families. We defend their rights and benefits and fight to ensure the government puts the needs of those who have served their country first.
How we do this:
National Veterans’ Affairs Committee
The RSL Australia National Veterans’ Affairs Committee (NVAC) is the forum where the key policy issues in the veterans’ affairs space are discussed by a council of delegates from each of the RSL State Branches. Recommendations are submitted to the RSL Australia Board. Recommendations endorsed by the board inform the policy priorities RSL will pursue in its representation and lobbying of the Federal Government and other key stakeholders. Read about our policy priorities below.
Ex-Services Organisation Round Table (ESORT)
The RSL actively participates in the Ex-Services Organisation Round Table (ESORT) forum to drive the policy changes needed to improve service provision and outcomes for veterans and their families. ESORT is the main body for consultation between ex-service organisations and the Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA). ESORT aims to address issues of strategic importance to the ex-service and defence communities and assist in setting directions for the medium to long term.
Operational Working Party
The Operational Working Party (OWP) is a forum designed to facilitate communication between the veteran and ex-service community, the Repatriation and Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Commissions, and the Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA). This forum is intended to enhance information sharing and improve communication between DVA and ESOs. It is a forum for ESOs to discuss concerns arising from the delivery of DVA services and provide recommendations for improvements in operational policy to promote quality and accountability in service delivery.
Active Lobbying
The RSL actively and consistently lobbies the government on issues affecting veterans, pushing for the best outcomes. The RSL is actively campaigning on a range of policy reforms focused on reducing bureaucracy and improving access to services and entitlements for veterans and their families. You can read about our policy priorities and read our recent submissions below.
Collaboration with other ESOs
The RSL works with other ex-service organisations in our welfare endeavours and to promote commemorative activities across the community. In response to recommendations from the Royal Commission, RSL initiated the National Forum for ESOs to promote a more coordinated response from the Ex-Service Organisation sector. RSL National and State Branches host the National Form for Ex-Service Organisations which provides a mechanism to meet in the spirit of collaboration and coordination. The forum fosters conversations about systemic issues that concern the veteran and Defence communities and our shared future in addressing these challenges.
Engagement in the outcomes of the Royal Commission
During 2021 and 2022, the RSL invested a significant amount of time and resources into supporting the outcomes of the Royal Commission into Veteran and Defence Suicide. The RSL had representatives attend all public Hearings, made a range of detailed submissions, and hosted and participated in working groups. The Royal Commission’s Interim Report, released in August 2022, outlined recommendations that could be pursued immediately. Many of these the RSL had lobbied for via submissions. The RSL remains highly invested in the Royal Commission and its outcomes. The RSL is currently lobbying to establish an implementation body to ensure recommendations from the inquiry are pursued.
Our 2025 policy priorities continue to focus on the areas RSL was advocating for in 2024. The next 12 months will see the League work to build on its past efforts, advocating for:
Full implementation of the recommendations of the Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide
Increasing the number of quality fee-free veteran claims and wellbeing advocates to meet the demand for the service, improvements in advocacy training and development, and coordination and regulation through the Institute of Veterans’ Advocates.
Improved access to healthcare for veterans and their families
Sustained investment in the Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) to safeguard the health and wellbeing of veterans and their families into the future and to prevent the return of a claims backlog.
Additional support for the families of veterans
Submissions, Papers & Reports
Submission: 2025-26 Pre-Budget Submission to Treasury
January 2025
The RSL calls upon the government to uphold Australia’s commitment to supporting veterans and their families to live and age well after their military careers. The 2025-26 Federal Budget must provide funding for the continued implementation of the recommendations of the Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide, as well as resources to ensure a balanced Australian Defence Force (ADF). The RSL’s Pre-Budget Submission advocates for necessary budgetary provisions in five priority areas.
Submission: Inquiry into the Defence honours and awards system
RSL Australia’s submission seeks to enhance the Defence Honours and Awards System to better recognise and acknowledge the service of our Defence personnel who have served and continue to serve our nation with distinction.
Submission: Veterans’ Entitlements, Treatment and Support (Simplification and Harmonisation) Bill 2024
April 2024
The RSL has lodged a detailed submission in response to the Government’s release of the draft Veterans’ Entitlements, Treatment and Support (Simplification and Harmonisation) Bill 2024. The RSL consulted across the breadth of the League to ensure members’ voices inform the development of fit-for-purpose legislation that best serves veterans and their families.
Letter: Military Invalidity Payments
March 2024
The RSL’s letter in support of the submission made by the Defence Welfare Association (DFWA) to the Community Affairs Legislation Committee’s inquiry into the provisions of the Social Services and Other Legislation Amendment (Military Invalidity Payment Mean Testing) Bill 2024. The RSL advocates that the proposed amendments must not negatively impact or reduce the existing payments that are made available to veterans and their families.
Submission: New Aged Care Act
March 2024
This submission is made in response to the Aged Care Bill 2023 Exposure Draft. The recommendations in this paper are suggestions as to how the new Aged Care Act can appropriately close the care gap that veterans are currently experiencing as they enter the aged care space. The RSL stands ready to support and inform this important work.
March 2024
This submission is provided by the Returned & Services League of Australia (RSLA) to assist the panel conducting the Reservice Strategic Review as part of the overall Defence Strategic Review (DSR).
Paper: DVA Fee Uplift - Pre-budget Submission Briefing
February 2024
The 2024-25 Budget presents an opportunity for the Government to address the urgent need to improve access to healthcare for veterans and their families. This paper should be read in addition to the 2024-25 Pre-budget Submission.
Submission: 2024-25 Pre-Budget Submission to Treasury
January 2024
The RSL is requesting the Federal Government use the 2024-25 Budget to strengthen the health and wellbeing of veterans and their families by improving access to healthcare for veterans and their families, implementing the recommendations of the Royal Commission, including establishing a National Commissioner for Defence and Veteran Wellbeing and a Peak Body for ESOs, and continuing to permanently reduce the DVA claims backlog, including support for advocates and advocacy.
Submission: Evaluation of the pilot Wellbeing and Support Program (WASP)
January 2024
The RSL has provided feedback to the Australian National Audit Office (ANAO) on the effectiveness of the DVA administration of the pilot Wellbeing and Support Program (WASP). WASP was designed to help veterans who had been identified as having very complex, acute and multiple needs adjust to life after service and establish lasting connections with local health and support services. The RSL has made a series of observations and recommendations for the ANAO to consider.
Consultation Response: A new entity to support the wellbeing of Defence Members and Veterans
December 2023
This paper provides RSL Australia’s response to the Royal Commission’s consultation paper Proposed new entity to promote the wellbeing of Defence members and veterans. It represents a consolidated response from across the League, including state and territory branches. It follows on from the RSL Australia March 2023 submission to the Royal Commission, Proposal for Implementation of Recommendations.
Answering the Call: An ESO Informed Response to a sector peak body
November 2023
This submission is provided to the Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide on behalf of participants of the recent series of National Forums for Ex-Service Organisations (ESOs). It presents the insights for an ESO sector response to the establishment of an ESO Peak Body framework.
Note: The original submission indicated ADSO instead of RARC on pg. 32 and excluded the RARC logo, which has since been rectified.
November 2023
The RSL has made recommendations to Government that we believe will result in an intelligence community that is more unified with a leaner bureaucracy, and a concept for strategic assessments that will support defence and national security strategies, enhance intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance operations whilst also ensuring we have sufficient indications and warning to defend against attacks by land, sea, air, cyber and space.
Submission to the National Housing and Homelessness Plan
October 2023
The RSL believes that everybody – especially veterans – should have the right to stable, ongoing accommodation that is safe and secure. The RSL submission focuses on Homelessness amongst veterans, risk factors increasing likelihood of homelessness amongst veterans, and short-medium-and long-term solutions for veterans. RSLA is committed to ending veteran homelessness across Australia.
Submission for the review of the National Legal Assistance Program
October 2023
The RSL believes strong consideration should be given to transitioning the Defence and Veterans’ Legal Service to become a permanent legal service provider for veterans and their families. The RSL recommends that the Federal Government provides long-term, and sustainable needs-based funding for legal assistance, to enable the delivery of advocacy services, and support the continuous improvement and delivery of advocate training and mentoring. This includes at the Administrative Review level, where practising lawyers may provide representation to a veteran.
RSL Australia's Report on the 2023-24 Federal Budget
May 2023
RSL Australia has responded to the 2023-24 Federal Budget summarising how the budget accounts for implementing the recommendations of the Royal Commission and explaining which measures will focus on veterans and their families. The report's final page summarises what RSL has been lobbying for vs the budget response.
Briefing Paper: Advocacy & Advocates
April 2023
This paper has been prepared to further understanding of the criticality of appropriately trained and resourced advocates in enabling veterans and their families to access funding and other supports designed to further veterans’ health and wellbeing. It proposes potential solutions to challenges and is focused on further developing the existing advocacy system to enable delivery of better outcomes for veterans and their families. These proposals are intended to be implemented collaboratively between ESOs, DVA and the ATDP. -
Submission to the Royal Commission
March 2023
Proposal for implementation of Recommendations.
This submission provides RSL Australia’s response to the Royal Commissioners’ calls for feedback on the potential creation of a suitable entity with comprehensive oversight and powers to drive lasting reform to help reduce the incidence of suicide amongst serving and ex-serving ADF members.
Submission: Non-Liability Healthcare for Reservists
March 2023
The RSL, along with the Defence Reserves Association, and the Defence Force Welfare Association, have made a joint submission to the Minister for Veterans’ Affairs and Defence Personnel, Matt Keogh, seeking his support for the extension of non-liability health care (NLHC) for all Defence Reservists. NLHC enables eligible veterans to access treatment at DVAs’ expense for specified conditions without establishing a link to service and allows prompt access to mental health treatment.
Submission: Harmonisation of Legislation - Funeral Benefits
March 2023
The RSL has called on the Federal Government to harmonise the funeral benefits payable to service veterans to remove the existing disparity. Currently, the benefits paid range from just $2000 to $12,600. The RSL says bringing the payments together is one of the more straightforward legislative changes the Government could make and could be achieved relatively quickly. Doing so would ensure fairness for older veterans and their families.
Submission: 2023-24 Pre-Budget Submission to Treasury
February 2023
The 2023-24 Budget presents the Australian Government with the opportunity to further deliver on the commitments it made in its previous Budget, to sustain an effective response to the emerging findings and recommendations of the Royal Commission and to ensure that our service men and women are able to experience a healthy transition from service, engage in fulfilling civilian careers and continue to make positive social and economic contributions to our nation.
Latest News
3 July 2024 - The Minister for Veterans’ Affairs, the Hon Matt Keogh MP, introduced the draft Veterans' Entitlements, Treatment and Support (Simplification and Harmonisation) Bill 2024 into Parliament. The Bill was referred to the Senate Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Legislation Committee for inquiry and report by 3 October 2024. The Committee is seeking submissions on the Bill by 31 July 2024. The RSL will be making a submission. Learn more.
June 2024: DVA thanked RSL Australia for its substantial submission regarding the Veterans’ Entitlements, Treatment and Support (Simplification and Harmonisation) Bill 2024 Exposure Draft and provided a response to the issues raised by the RSL. The insights and recommendations included in the RSL submission have been considered by the Minister for Veterans’ Affairs and the Department. The submission has helped shape and improve the Bill. Learn more.
June 2024: In 2024, a joint working group was established between ESORT and DVA to progress the establishment of an independent veterans’ advocacy institute. This institute would set and maintain standards for veterans’ advocates and support veteran advocates with the work they do to assist veterans and their families. At the meeting on 7 June, the group agreed to recommend to ESORT that an independent Institute of Veterans’ Advocates should be established and discussed in further detail the governing and operating arrangements which will underpin this institute. A roadshow will be planned for the near future to engage with the veteran and ESO community on this initiative.
April 2024: RSL Australia lodged a detailed submission on the proposed Veteran Entitlements Legislation that is the result of collaboration across the League. DVA reports receiving 315 formal submissions. Government will now consider the feedback before the legislation is finalised and introduced to Parliament.
February 2024: The Government has released draft legislation which intends to simplify and harmonise veterans’ entitlements, compensation and the rehabilitation system. RSL has long been calling on the Government to simplify and bring together the three current legislative Acts for a cohesive approach to veterans’ entitlements. We will continue to advocate for legislation that is fit for purpose and best meets the current and future needs of our veteran community.
February 2024: Efforts are continuing to have the Government review the DVA fee schedule for veteran healthcare to significantly increase payments and encourage ongoing engagement between DVA patients and practitioners to improve physical and mental health outcomes for veterans.
January 2024: The RSL is calling on the Government to use the 2024/25 Budget to strengthen the health and wellbeing of veterans and their families with actions laid out in this Pre-Budget Submission.