RSL Defence and National Security Committee (DNSC)
The price of liberty is eternal vigilance.
The RSL Defence and National Security Committee (DNSC) is an advisory Committee that provides discussion and position papers to the RSL National Board to assist with advocacy on defence matters. The National Board then prepares submissions to Government on matters pertaining to defence and national security in furtherance of the Objects of the League.
Impact of the Defence and National Security Committee
Who will fight for Australia?
January 2025
Australia’s defence is already at risk due to delays in acquiring the capabilities needed to meet the clear and present danger. Now a failure to meet new recruiting and retention targets for the Australian Defence Force (ADF) may further jeopardise our security.
What if we have a war and the equipment isn’t there, and there aren’t enough motivated and trained people in uniform?
Building a sustainable sovereign industrial Defence capability.
The Commonwealth Government has embarked upon a major reorientation of Defence policy, the ADF capabilities and Defence industry policy settings. The RSL believes that the new policy settings could be further strengthened to better enable Australia’s ability to defend itself in any sustained conflict. The RSL advocates that there needs to be greater ambition for Australian Defence industry. Specifically, the creation of one or more Australian Tier 1 national security and advanced manufacturing prime system integrators, Australian Defence Primes.
US National Debt and Australia’s National Security
4 November 2024
The United States is on the verge of a debt crisis that will have severe implications on Australia’s national security and our ability to defend ourselves. As a nation, Australia should be gravely concerned about this crisis, especially considering AUKUS, which tethers us even closer to the US economy.
Written by Committe members Peter Leahy and John Powers.
Defence flaws make Australia a 'strategic liability' for the US
2 August 2024
Published in The Australian
The RSL Defence and National Security Committee questions Australia’s preparedness to fulfil our international treaty obligations and the ability of the Australian Defence Force (ADF) to meet current and potential future missions.
Written by Committee members Peter Leahy and John Powers.
Adapting to Poly-crisis: A proposed Australian National Security Strategy
28 May 2024
Occasional Paper No. 1
We face a poly-crisis involving overlapping demands relating to changing climate; cleaner, greener industry; stretched health services; deepening geopolitical shifts; accelerating technological transformation, increasingly autonomous systems; and growing challenges in governing cosmopolitan societies. This paper argues that in response An Australian National Security Strategy is needed.
AUKUS is all there is. There is no Plan B.
17 April 2024
“AUKUS was an inspired decision. It is the right choice for Australia. Given the geo-strategic situation and the forces arrayed against us, there are no alternatives. So now we must make it work.”
Written by Committee member Peter Leahy. -
The lucky country is girt by sea no more
13 April 2024
Published by Fairfax Media
“An assault on our homeland is not merely a possibility - it’s an inevitable reality.”
Written by Committee member John Powers.
VADM Peter Jones - ANI Webinar
18 March 2024
Committee member VADM Peter Jones hosted the ANI Webinar 18 Mar: Surface Fleet Review, in which experts unpacked the Government’s announcement of the most significant force expansion since WWII.
RSL welcomes Surface Fleet Review
24 February 2024
The Australian Naval Institute published in full the RSL media release on the surface combatants. It was included in their weekly newsletter and on their social media accounts.
Terror mindset warped strategy
29 January 2024
Published by Fairfax Media
“Ongoing unrest, combined with rapid technological advances, compels us to once again get strategic.”
Written by Committee member John Powers. -
November 2023
The RSL has made recommendations to Government for an intelligence community that is more unified, with a leaner bureaucracy and a concept for strategic assessments that will support defence and national security strategies, and enhance intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance operations, whilst also ensuring we have sufficient indications and warning to defend against attacks by land, sea, air, cyber and space.
Guiding Principles
The RSL Defence and National Security Committee aims to be proactive, with a long-term strategic view to support decisions for today and tomorrow's ADF, and the security of Australia.
Matters for discussion should:
Deal with Australia’s Defence policy, preparedness, industrial base or the welfare of personnel
Be couched positively and constructively with suggestions for improvement
Be developed with a reasonable level of consultation to ensure their quality.
Issues Papers should clearly articulate:
The issue or problem
Why it matters
Why is the RSL interested and why its insights would be valuable
Suggestions/options to address the issue
A way forward
The consultation that has been undertaken in developing the paper.
Committee Members
Lieutenant General Peter Leahy AC (Retd)
Major General Greg Melick AO RFD FANZCN SC (Retd)
Air Marshal Geoff Brown AO (Retd)
Tim Morris AM APM (AFP Retd)
VADM Peter Jones, AO DSC RAN (Retd)
Brigadier Philip Winter, AM, CSC, ADC
Lieutenant Colonel Clare O’Neill (Observer)
Professor John Blaxland
Don Spinks AM
John Powers
Committee members are volunteers, committed to Australia's defence and national security.
Do you have an issue you’d like the committee to discuss?
Send the National President your thoughts on Defence and national security matters.
Please review the Guiding Principles above and then submit your item to the RSL Defence and National Security Committee using the form below: