RSL Awards
RSL Awards & Prizes
The RSL Sword for Service - ADFA
The RSL Sword for Service is presented for outstanding achievement in Leadership and Officer Development by a 3rd Class Officer Cadet/ Midshipman of the Australian Defence Force Academy.
The National RSL Prize - RMC Duntroon
The National RSL Prize is presented to the 2nd Class Cadet of the Royal Military College of Australia, who has attained the best results in all assessed subjects.
HMAS Watson RSL Sword
The RSL Sword is presented biennially for outstanding achievement to the Dux of the June Warfare Application Course [JWAC]. RSL Australia have been providing the RSL Sword since 1980. The RSL Sword represents a tangible symbol of the partnership between current and ex-serving members of the Australian Defence Force.
ANZAC of the Year Awards
The ANZAC of the Year Awards are made to recognise the efforts and achievements of up to seven Australians who have given service to their fellow Australians and to the community in a positive, selfless and compassionate manner.
ANZAC Peace Prize
The ANZAC Peace Prize is awarded by the RSL to recognise an outstanding effort by an Australian citizen who has promoted the concept of international understanding and who, in so doing, has made a contribution to world peace.
RSL Awards
RSL Awards recognise members and others who have made tremendous contributions to the League through selfless hours of voluntary service.
Awards include Meritorious Service Medal, Life Membership, Certificate of Merit & Gold Badge, 50/60/75 Year Membership Certificates, Women’s Auxiliary Life Membership, Certificate of Appreciation, Sub-branch Anniversary Certificates.
State Branches nominate members for these awards, which are administered through the national office and approved by the National Board.