Funding for Veteran Services Welcomed, But Disappointed re Funding for Royal Commission Recommendations and Defence
The Returned & Services League of Australia (RSL) has welcomed tonight’s Budget announcement to continue the Federal Government’s support for the veteran community.
But it is disappointing that it hasn’t taken more definitive funding decisions to implement all recommendations of the Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide and that it hasn’t boosted Defence spending sufficiently to meet increased international instability and the growing security threat in our region.
RSL Australia National President Greg Melick says the additional funding for the Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) to support services for veterans and to maintain the Department’s service delivery workforce is crucial and will be welcomed by the veteran community.
“Improvement in DVA’s infrastructure is important and the momentum commenced over the past year must be continued and enhanced to avoid a return of the unacceptable veteran claims backlog. This must include a major upgrade to DVA’s aging legacy IT systems to enable better connectivity with other government agencies, including Defence.
“A number of Budget initiatives including the funding to continue the volunteer training in suicide recognition and intervention, to continue to engage the veteran community on key Royal Commission recommendations and support for the Interim Defence and Veteran Service Commissioner in establishing the new Commission are welcome,” Greg Melick said.
“But the veteran community was looking for more substantial funding commitments to begin the full implementation of all 122 Royal Commission recommendations.
“The Royal Commissions report handed down late last year provided a pathway for the future and we’re disappointed that the Budget has failed to provide the funding for the Government’s plan for real, meaningful and enduring reform to improve wellbeing for Defence Force personnel, veterans and families.”
Greg Melick said while a picture was being painted of increased Defence expenditure, the Budget funding is inadequate given the current strategic environment confronting Australia.
“A commitment to increase Defence expenditure to just above 2.3% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by the early 2030s is disappointing in the extreme, given the need and risks to our defence security.
“While the picture is being painted of increased Defence funding, the Budget balance is entirely inappropriate as this is the time for increased expenditure, not populist handouts.
“Australia should be looking at funding of 2.5% of GDP now and working to achieve expenditure of at least 3% of GDP in 12 months’ time.
“We need a balanced defence force to properly protect Australia’s strategic interests and defence and security experts contend that this is the level of funding required to achieve this.”
The RSL is concerned at the allocation of $54.4 million in 2025–26 to continue the work of the Office of the Special Investigator to investigate and support the prosecution of war crimes alleged to have been committed by the Australian Defence Force in Afghanistan.
“This process has already gone on for too long with too much money spent for little outcome. We trust that no more money is spent and that the investigations are concluded as soon as possible.”
Greg Melick said that almost one in 20 Australian families include an individual who is currently or has previously served in our Defence Forces. According to the 2021 Census, this totalled more than 580,000 Australians.
“Investing in the health and wellbeing of veterans, Defence personnel and their families and in the Australian Defence Force is a sound investment for all Australians and the RSL stands ready to work with the Australian Government in better serving those who serve and have served us,” he said.