Medals should not be revoked until investigations complete


The Returned & Services League of Australia (RSL) has expressed its deep concern at today’s announcement by Defence Minister Richard Marles that the medals awarded to Australian officers serving in the Afghanistan campaign will be revoked.  

RSL Australia President Greg Melick says the RSL firm position from the outset of the Brereton Report is that no medals should be taken away from recipients until all investigations and potential trials have been completed. Natural justice demands this. 

“The RSL is aware of the significant strain this matter has placed on veterans, even those not involved in alleged incidents,” he said. 

“Australian Defence Force (ADF) personnel serve in a unique and highly challenging environment, and the allegations and the outcomes of the Brereton Report have caused considerable distress and mental health concerns.” 

Greg Melick said it was difficult for the RSL to comment further as it had not seen the full and unredacted Brereton Report. 

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If you or someone you know needs support or are feeling distressed by this announcement, please reach out to:  

  • Open Arms – 24-hour veteran and families counselling: 1800 011 046 

  • Beyond Blue – 24-hour counselling service: 1300 224 636 



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