2022: a Year in Review
With a new year ahead and plenty of challenges to tackle, it is also a time to reflect on the year that’s been; to acknowledge our shared accomplishments and some of the significant events that shaped 2022. Our State Branches and Sub Branches worked diligently throughout the year on a range of projects adding significant value to our communities across advocacy, welfare, well-being and commemorative initiatives. 2023 will see existing programs and projects continued as well as new initiatives introduced as we continue to seek new opportunities to support and add value to the lives of Australian veterans and their families.
Here are 10 of RSL Australia’s highlights and defining projects of 2022.
This doesn’t account for a range of other work including the facilitation of the Australian Forces Overseas Fund which prepares a significant number of care packages twice a year to send to Australians serving overseas. Or the new sponsorship of the Australian War Memorial’s daily Last Post Ceremony which enables the service to be filmed and broadcast live, increasing viewership and accessibility to a wider audience. To learn more about some of the great work being undertaken within your state, check in with your RSL State Branch - WA, SA, VIC, NSW, QLD, TAS
Helping veterans and their families find more rewarding work
In 2022 we supported 554 participants across Australia with a range of career support services through the RSL Veterans’ Employment Program.
Remembering important periods of our history
Significant historical anniversaries were commemorated including the 80th Anniversary of the Kokoda Campaign - which the RSL supported through the sponsorship of a commemorative trek across the Kokoda Track by the 16th RWAR Battalion and the 39th Operational Support Battalion.
Supporting the Royal Commission
RSL’s deep investment in the Royal Commission continued, with representatives attending all Hearings and contributions through a range of submissions and papers. The RSL hosted the first National ESO Forum to facilitate discussions and better coordination within the ESO sector and how it addresses findings from the Royal Commission.
Remembrance Day 2022
A successful Remember to Remember and Poppy Appeal campaign united the country in commemorative activities on Remembrance Day. The RSL State Branches rolled out a range of initiatives designed to engage Australians on the meaning and purpose of Remembrance Day.