RSL Condemns Misuse of National Flag and Red Ensign


The Returned & Services League of Australia (RSL) has condemned the misuse of the Australian National Flag and Red Ensign flag by the Melbourne anti-vaccination, anti-lockdown protesters.

RSL Australia President Greg Melick said the protestors’ flying of the National Flag and Red Ensign, as well as their deplorable action yesterday in occupying Melbourne Shrine of Remembrance simply shows a gross level of disrespect that would be denounced by all reasonable Australians.  

Greg Melick said the National Flag and the Red Ensign are an official Australian flag, with the Red Ensign flown at sea by Australian registered merchant ships.

“They are not protest flags and flying them during the unruly and lawless protests in Melbourne is unauthorised and yet another deplorable act by an irresponsible and shameful mob.

“The disrespect of these people apparently knows no bounds. They dishonour Australian service men and women who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our nation, and they dishonour our national flags.

“Their actions to further their own selfish cause and ambitions are reprehensible, particularly at a time when all Australians should be coming together to deal with the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Our veterans did fight for the right for Australians to freely express themselves, but they did not fight to enable these people to desecrate our memorials and national flags.”

Greg Melick said any misuse of the flags should result in the prosecution of the offenders.



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RSL Condemns Protesters Desecration of Shrine