2023 - The Year in Perspective
Founding members of the League in 1916 set out to lobby for better benefits, treatment and the welfare of veterans and serving members of the Australian Imperial Force and the Royal Australian Navy, and to preserve the health, wellbeing and security of Australia and the Australian way of life. This core mission has not changed since the League was formed and remains relevant for Australian Defence Force (ADF) veterans and their families in 2023.
Throughout the year, RSL Australia has addressed multiple issues and undertaken many events from the National Office in support of our members. These include:
Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide
RSL Australia with the Royal Commissioners at the third National Forum for ESOs.
The RSL continues to actively engage with the Royal Commission, following emerging findings closely through a Working Group comprising of state representatives across the League, and ensuring that there is a representative at each hearing block.
The RSL has also demonstrated strong participation in providing submissions, across a range of issues, including the harmonisation of legislation in support of the Royal Commission inquiries to address systemic issues and improve conditions for veterans, including issues related to health, transition to civilian life, and support services.
A key activity as part of this was the facilitation of two further National Forums for ESOs, in May, and November in Sydney bringing the ESO sector together to discuss collaborating to form a Peak Body to better support these outcomes. RSL Australia endorsed the submission provided to the Royal Commission that was co-endorsed widely across the sector from small regional ESOs, to other national and federated ESOs.
Policy, Advocacy and Representation
Outside of the Royal Commission, the RSL continues our mission in lobbying for policies that benefit veterans and their families, including those related to employment, education, housing, and financial support. In addition to strongly advocating for the reductions of DVA claims backlog, a focus this year particularly has been on veteran homelessness with the joint release of the Give me Shelter Report, and in facilitating a round-table of experts from Australia to engage in consultation for the National Housing and Homelessness Plan to Department of Social Services. Our advocacy submissions including the response to 2023 Federal Budget are available here.
Veterans' Wellbeing
RSL Remembrance Ride, November 2023
A strong focus for RSL National, as well as our member States is in the promotion of wellbeing opportunities for veterans and families. This has been achieved through the expanded roll out of RSL Active, comprising of sport and recreation activities for veterans and their families. This was on display, particularly during Veterans Health Week where the wider League operated 194 events countrywide. Activities across the year include surfing, cycling, bowling, bushwalking and fitness classes – and many more.
Find out about RSL Active here, or follow RSL Australia on social media for national opportunities, and your state branch social media for upcoming local events.
Veteran Employment
Brett, a veteran had been working in his own business but found himself out of work after the pandemic. Thanks to the RVEP he was successfully employed with BiORg.
The RSL Veterans’ Employment Program (RVEP) provides a targeted approach to ensure veterans transitioning, and family members of current and ex-serving ADF personnel can access meaningful employment. RVEP works to support employers’ understanding of the value of veterans and their families in the workforce.
RSL Australia National President Greg Melick lays a wreath at the National Remembrance Day Service at the Australian War Memorial.
Remembrance and commemoration continue to be a core value of RSL Australia, and in 2023 we marked a number of key commemorations including 70 years since the end of the Korean War, and 50 years since the end of Australia's involvement in Vietnam. This was commemorated in August at the National Service on Anzac Parade and several key events across Australia.
We continue the long-held tradition of observing Anzac Day and Remembrance Day and hope that wherever you were, you found a moment to reflect, whether at a dawn service, on a march, wearing a poppy, donating to our Anzac or Poppy Appeals, or learning about the experience of veterans and their families.
Exchanges, Education and Scholarships
RSL National President Greg Melick at the Yokohama War Cemetery in Japan during the Grassroots Exchange 2023
As part of our core mission, the RSL continues its support of a number of scholarship programs and are committed to ensuring that this education continues. We send our congratulations to scholarship recipients and send our best wishes to those sitting exams.
RSL Australia was also proud to continue the Grassroots Exchange program. Commencing in 1994 as the Hand of Friendship project, the Japan-Australia Grassroots Exchange Program is designed for descendants of former Australian Prisoners of War (POWs) and promotes post war reconciliation, education, understanding and goodwill between Japan and Australia. We thank all who applied for this program in 2023, for the upcoming program in March 2024.
Australian Forces Overseas Fund (AFOF)
The RSL continues to support deployed personnel with care packages twice a year, an initiative made possible by donations to the AFOF. We send our thoughts to everyone who will soon receive their Christmas care packages, and to their families who will be missing them at this time of year. To donate to the next packages that will be sent in time for Anzac Day, donate here.
Thanks to our Volunteers
Across the League, many activities happen because we have an active group of volunteers who are dedicated to their service to both veterans, their families, and the wider RSL and its purpose. This is demonstrated through local advocacy services that support in DVA claims, in support of commemoration events, and importantly fundraising efforts. The League would not be as strong as it is without the support of our volunteers and we extend to them our sincere thanks.
Into 2024, our many committees and working groups, including the National Veterans Affairs, and Defence and National Security Committee will continue to monitor the many issues facing veterans and their families, and we encourage you to follow our work closely on our website, or social media.
RSL Australia will continue to work closely in demonstrating our support of the work completed by the Royal Commission, and in continuing advocacy efforts, particularly as we look ahead to consultation opportunities for the Harmonisation of Legislation for veterans’ entitlements.
To our members, employees, volunteers, and the wider sector, we extend our heartfelt thanks to you along with season's greetings.
Phil Winter
RSL National CEO
Stay in touch with RSL Australia through 2024