RSL Commends Those Who Appeared at Royal Commission Hearings


The Returned & Services League of Australia (RSL) has commended witnesses who gave evidence and presented submissions to the Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide.

The Royal Commission concluded its public hearings today (Thursday 28 March 2024).

National President Greg Melick said on behalf of the veteran community, the RSL thanked those who presented for their input and contributions, as well as those who contributed to the RSL’s submissions.

“Many of the lived experiences that were presented to the Commission were disturbing, and it must have been extremely difficult for people to describe and for the Commissioners to hear,” Greg Melick said. “We commend the courage of those witnesses”.

“The Royal Commissioners now have the challenging task of considering all the evidence and presenting the final report to the Government in September.

“The RSL has already supported the full implementation of the recommendations in the Royal Commission’s interim report, and we look forward to seeing the final report and the Australian Government’s adoptions of all recommendations.”

Despite initial concerns about the appropriate model to deal with this issue, the RSL has strongly supported the Royal Commission, commencing with its input to its terms of reference, making detailed submissions, participating in regular consultation with the Commissioners and the Royal Commission’s Stakeholder Reference Group, and attending all public hearings.

“The RSL, through its national office and State and Territory branches and sub-branches, has been at the forefront in representing the interests of veterans and their families and has been actively working to ensure that through the Royal Commission, Australia can seize this opportunity to once and for all improve the wellbeing, health, and lives of those who are serving and have served our nation.

“The veterans, their families, ex-service organisation representatives, service and veteran personnel and others who have appeared before the Royal Commission have made vital contributions that should achieve a positive outcome for our people,” Greg Melick said.


ESORT Communique - 28 February 2024


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